2023 Participant Information
Stambaugh Auditorium is excited to announce TubaChristmas 2023. On November 26, 2023, at 3:30 PM Stambaugh Auditorium will present TubaChristmas featuring an ensemble performing in front of a live in-person audience.
The proposed schedule for the day is as follows:
12:30 pm – registration
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm – rehearsal
3:00pm – doors open
3:30pm – concert both live in-person and livestream
4:15 / 4:30pm – conclusion of the event
Music stands and chairs will be provided. General Admission tickets are on sale now.
Video, Audio and/or Photography Consent and Release
Please note: All registration fees are tax-deductible donations to the Harvey Phillips Foundation Inc., a not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporation.
TUBACHRISTMAS is a property and production of The Harvey Phillips Foundation Inc., P.O. Box 933, Bloomington, IN 47402-0933
And is used by permission only; commercial exploitation is prohibited. Visit www.TUBACHRISTMAS.com