Here are a few details regarding our protocol for Tuesday, September 15 auditions.
• Auditions will start at 4:15 pm, please plan to arrive 15 to 20 minutes prior to your scheduled audition time to allow for check-in and warmup time.
• The doors will be open starting at 4:00 pm.
• Please be sure to wear a mask unless you are playing your instrument.
• Please be sure to bring everything you need with you. Music stands and chairs will be provided. A snare drum and xylophone will be provided for percussion auditions. Everything else you must bring with you, including sticks / mallets for percussion.
• When you arrive, please park in the parking lot and enter the building via the west entry (glass doors on the parking lot side of the building). Do not wait in your car.
• When you enter, your temperature will be taken and you will be checked in.
• You will then be directed to a warmup space.
• You will have access to a warmup space 15 minutes prior to your scheduled audition time. There will be more than one person in a warmup space at the same time, but there will be designated areas that are spaced over 30 feet apart.
• When it is time for you to move to the audition space, a Stambaugh staff member will come to your warmup space and let you know. Auditions will take place in the Concert Hall and in the Christman Hall.
• We will be changing chairs and music stands between each person both in the warmup spaces and in the audition spaces.
• When you are finished with your audition, you will pack up and exit the building.
• We ask that only the student auditioning enter the building, parents and other guests are to wait outside of the building.
• Provided we are running on time, each person auditioning should be in and out within 30 minutes unless you arrive earlier than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled audition time.
If you have questions, please send an email to or call 330-747-5175