- Last minute “To-Do’s” before the “I Do”
The big day is almost here and we’re sure your nerves are all over the place. That’s completely normal, but there’s no reason to panic! We have you covered on all of the last minute to-do items to check off your list before you say “I do” at the altar.
There are so many things to remember like checking in with vendors, packing the wedding rings, having gifts ready, and the list goes on and on. As long as you stay organized, your special day will be a memorable (and stress free) one. Use the Wedding Planning Tips we compiled below to get started:

To-do’s the week of:
Prioritize self-care: Use this final week to take care of YOU. Make sure you schedule a mani and pedi! Make it fun and have your bridal party join you for a final fling before the ring. Reward yourself for all of your hard work leading up to this point.
PRO TIP: You might even want to take a couple yoga classes to relieve the stress and release some serotonin. A facial or massage never hurt anyone, too!
Touch base with your vendors: Make sure you give all of your vendors one final call the week of your wedding so you can address any concerns or unanswered questions.
PRO TIP: One of the services we offer here at Stambaugh Auditorium is acting as the point of contact for vendors. Our coordinators will contact vendors and schedule set-up and arrival times. This will give you some peace of mind so you don’t have to worry about contacting each vendor.
Make final payments: When you’re checking in with vendors, make sure you ask them to send any outstanding payments.
PRO TIP: Have your wedding planner or coordinator make a running list for you.
Break in your wedding shoes: Make sure you try on your shoes a few times so you aren’t shocked when you try and walk in them, especially if you’re wearing 6-inch stilettos!
PRO TIP: Wear them around your house for the afternoon so they are fitted better.

To-do’s the day before:
Pack your personal items: Pack a bag of your personal items to have nearby when you’re getting ready like a medical kit, hygiene items, bridesmaids gifts and of course… the rings!
PRO TIP: Buy travel size items like a razor, deodorant and other small sized items to make sure you are ready for anything.
Eat a healthy meal and drink a lot of water: Eat your fruits and veggies! This will give you more sustainable energy.
PRO TIP: Experts say you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water! For example, if you weigh 180 lb, drinking 90 ounces of water is a healthy target.
Write a love note to your partner: A common wedding tradition is to write a love note to your partner to read while he/she is getting ready. This is a nice way to start the morning and a reminder of your love for each other.
PRO TIP: Buy a cute stationary set to write your love note on and use after the wedding to send thank you’s to your family, bridal party and vendors!
Get plenty of rest: This one can be hard, but make sure you get enough sleep the night before so you are ready to go! Experts say at least 7 hours of sleep is needed on average for adults.
PRO TIP: Put on a relaxing night time face mask with lavender to help stay relaxed and sleep easily.
Download our checklist so you have something tangible to keep track with even more “To-Do” items to remember. If your wedding is at Stambaugh, don’t be afraid to work with our event coordinators to make sure your wedding day goes off without a hitch. We are here to help YOU in any way we can!
Wedding To-Do Checklist