Press release
April 11, 2023
Memorial Concert for Beloved Music Educator and Conductor To Be Held at Stambaugh Auditorium
YOUNGSTOWN, OH (Aprili 11, 2023) – A memorial concert for the late Stephen L. Gage will be held at Stambaugh Auditorium on Sunday, May 21st, 2023 at 3:30 pm. Current and former students, friends, colleagues, and community members are invited to an afternoon of live music to celebrate his life and to raise scholarship funds in his honor.
“It was Steve’s dream after retirement to assemble a wind ensemble of his former students who are successful musicians and conduct them in a concert of his favorite music at Stambaugh Auditorium,” said Stephanie Gage. “We are realizing that dream and want to share it with the people he loved.”
The event will raise funds for two scholarships in his name; one with Youngstown State University and another with Indiana State University, where he most recently was the Interim Director of Bands. Friends, colleagues, and former students of Gage will perform a 90-minute program featuring pieces Gage wrote for each of his three children. Audience members are encouraged to bring their instruments to join in the concert finale with a reception and light refreshments to follow.
“This event is our way of honoring his legacy,” said Claudia Gage. “And by raising funds for the memorial scholarships, we will be able to honor his legacy for years to come.”
Scholarship donations can be made by designating “Stephen L. Gage Memorial Fund” to the YSU Foundation at https://tinyurl.com/YSUFoundation and to Indiana State University at https://givetoindianastate.org.
Tickets are available at no cost, however goodwill donations will be accepted at the door. Reserve your tickets now (limit of 4) through the box office. Tickets are available Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM by calling 330-259-9651, or in person at the DeYor Performing Arts Center. Tickets are also available 24 hours a day online at stambaughauditorium.com.
About Stephen L. Gage
Throughout his 44-year career in music education and conducting, Gage spent 28 years as the Director of Bands at Youngstown State University. He influenced thousands of musicians as the director of the Youngstown Symphony Youth Orchestra, W.D. Packard Band, and countless conducting engagements throughout the United States.
Prior to his years at Youngstown State, Gage served as director of Bands at Emporia State University in Kansas, director of Bands at Auburn High School in New York, and director of Bands at Warsaw High School in New York. Gage most recently served as interim director of Bands at Indiana State University School of Music.