Stambaugh Auditorium Giving Society
Like the iconic pillars that support the majestic grand entrance of Stambaugh Auditorium, our donors are the pillars that have sustained the mission of Stambaugh Auditorium for the past 97 years.
The support of our donors has been more important than ever during the challenges presented by the pandemic. With the loss of earned revenue due to closures and bans on mass gatherings, your support has been vital to our ability to survive. Thanks to the philanthropic support that has sustained us through the pandemic, Stambaugh Auditorium has been able to face these challenges head-on and is now in the process of recovering and growing.
- We have adjusted our business model and continue to offer virtual and live-streamed programming and options for hybrid events.
- We are in the final phase of a $4.1 million capital project to replace the monumental staircase and restore the exterior façade of this magnificent building which is a treasure of our community.
- We have entered into a partnership with the Youngstown Symphony Society to provide management services for both facilities including administration, operations, fundraising, marketing, bookkeeping, and event booking. We look forward to expanding this type of partnership agreement with other local arts organizations as well.
- Through this collaborative spirit we can work together to ensure sustainability for these historic organizations and growth for the arts and culture sector of our local economy.
With the support of our donors, Stambaugh Auditorium has been able to provide enjoyment and create lasting memories for thousands of individuals and families who have experienced events at Stambaugh Auditorium. With the continued support of our donors and our community, we will do so for generations to come.
Although a donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated, gifts of $100 or more will be included in the Stambaugh Pillars Giving Society. All members of the Stambaugh Pillars Giving Society will receive benefits including a special listing on the Stambaugh Auditorium website and in event program booklets, advance notice of upcoming events and early access to tickets, early VIP entrance for select events, an invitation to all Stambaugh Auditorium signature events, and an invitation to an exclusive Stambaugh Pillars recognition celebration.
Your support will be deeply appreciated.

Online Donations
Mailed Donations
Thank You!
With gratitude, the Henry H. Stambaugh Auditorium Association gratefully acknowledges the support of these individuals, institutions and corporations whose annual gifts help to make programming and educational and outreach activities possible.
$10,000 and above
The estate of Charles M. Bennehoof
$5,000 – $9,999
DeSalvo Construction Company, Inc.
$2,500 – $4,999
Mark A. Brown**
Eleanor Watanakunakorn
$1,000 – $2,4999
Terrence F. Cloonan**
An Anonymous Donor
The Fibus/Hendricks Family Foundation
George B. and Virginia W. Pugh Foundation
Mrs. Clarence R. Smith, Jr
Schmutz Family Foundation
JoAnn and Martin Stock
$500 – $999
Dr. and Mrs. Chester Amedia
Mahoning County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Masonry Materials Plus
York Mahoning Mechanical Contractors, Inc
$250 – $499
Dorothy Melody & Dan Becker
Ron & Marty Cormier
Robert L. and Eva J. Doyle
Al & Suzanne Fleming
Thomas A. Groth
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Mavrogianis
Ed and Mary Lou (Eicher) Palguta
Joseph Popovich
Atty. Leonard and Gina Schiavone
Scott R. Schulick**
Bob & Linda Sebo
Schwebel Baking Company
$100 – $249
Robert & Stacy Aducci
C. John Amstutz
In Memory of Merton “Andy” Anderson
Suzanne Anzellotti
John & Chase (Horchen) Anzevino
Elizabeth Anne Axe
Georgia Barkett
Mrs. Margaret Basista
Joel H. Beeghly
Beverly Bogen
Pami Bogen
Mr. Don Booth
Barbara Brothers
Debra Burger
Gary & Cynthia Byers
Robert A. Calcagni
Catherine Campana
Annette Carnie in Memory of Atty. William T. Carnie
Col. and Mrs. Charles M. Coleman
Rodney Lamberson and Linda Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Day
Three Anonymous Donors
Bob & Kathy Doyle
George Drew
Martha Ann Eicher
Atty. Bruce & Suzyn Schwebel Epstein
Ronald & Marcia Gould
Thomas & Carol Ann Hart
John S. & Charlene Hay
Janet Hazlette
J. David and Madelon M. Sabine Family Fund
Elaine Jacobs
Sandra Johnson
David & Terrie Konik
Elliot & Christine Legow
Laretta Luggie
Olga D. Malmisur
Andy & Barbie Marakas
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Mehle
Kenneth L. Miner
David Smith in Memory of Dr. Barbara Modic
William E. Norris
Ohio One
Annamarie T. Quaranta
Troy & Christine Rhoades
Kathryn Schlarb
Tom & Katie Shipka
Marcella A. Sferra
Dr. Krishmu J. Shipmon
Helen M. Underhill
Joe & Irene Valentini
Bill Wade
David & Judy Waldman
Elizabeth Zlatkoff
*The above lists names of donors who have made unrestricted gifts, pledges and in-kind donations of $100 or more since July 1, 2021 thru February 28, 2022.
** Member of the Henry H. Stambaugh Auditorium Association Board of Directors.
Join the individuals who have already chosen to support Stambaugh Auditorium by joining the Stambaugh Pillars Annual Giving Society. The 2023 Stambaugh Pillars Annual Giving Campaign is currently in progress. For more information visit, or call Gabrielle Jones, Development Coordinator at 330-747-5175.
Thank you for your support.